






2007.9-2011.7 bat365官方网站登录,学士

2008.9-2009.7 山东大学,访学

2011.9-2014.7 bat365官方网站登录,硕士

2014.9-2018.7 中国科学院理论物理研究所,博士

2018.9-2020.9 bat365官方网站登录,师资博士后

2020.9-2023.9 bat365官方网站登录,弘深青年教师

2023.9至今   bat365官方网站登录,副教授






1.     完成了一系列的Bc介子及重夸克偶素产生碎裂函数(包括重夸克到Bc介子、胶子到Bc介子、重夸克到S波重夸克偶素、轻夸克到S波重夸克偶素的碎裂函数)的次领头阶修正计算。

2.     对超级Z工厂(运行在Z共振峰附近的高亮度正负电子对撞机)上Bc介子及双重重子的产生过程进行了系统的理论研究。计算了超级Z工厂上Bc介子产生的次领头阶QCD修正效应,并结合碎裂函数方法对高阶微扰展开中出现的大对数项进行了重求和,得到了较之前文献更为精确的理论预言。

3.     对高能对撞机上的一些重要的双重强子的间接产生过程(通过中间重粒子的衰变产生)进行了系统的研究。包括Higgs玻色子、Z玻色子、W玻色子、顶夸克衰变到Bc介子、双重重子等过程。



1.     国家自然科学基金委青年基金,30万,2021.1-2023.12基于碎裂函数研究双重味强子在大型强子对撞机上的产生性质

2.     国家自然科学基金委理论物理专款博士后项目,18万,2019.1-2019.12高能对撞机上双重味物理的精确研究

3.     重庆市自然科学基金面上项目,10万,2022.8-2025.7

4.     69批中国博士后科学基金面上资助;

5.     66批中国博士后科学基金面上资助;

6.     重庆市博士后科研项目特别资助。



Physical Review D审稿人、《大学科普》杂志编辑。



1.    Xu-Chang Zheng*, Xing-Gang Wu, Xi-Jie Zhan, Guang-Yu Wang and Hong Tai Li, Higgs boson decays to B-c meson in the fragmentation-function approach, Phys. Rev. D107,074005 (2023).

2.    Hong-Tai Li, Xu-Chang Zheng*, Jiang Yan, Xing-Gang Wu, Gu Chen, Hadronic production of Xi bc with the intrinsic heavy-quark content at a fixed-target experiment at the LHC, Physical Review D, 2022, 106, 114030.

3.    Xu-Chang Zheng*, Xing-Gang Wu, Xi-Jie Zhan, Hua Zhou, Hong-Tai Li, Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to Z -> eta Q plus Q plus Q, Physical Review D, 2022, 106, 094008.

4.    Xu-Chang Zheng*, Chao-Hsi Chang, Xing-Gang Wu, Fragmentation functions for gluon into B-c or B-c* meson, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2022, 05, 036.

5.    Ze-Yang Zhang, Xu-Chang Zheng*, Xing-Gang Wu, Production of the B-c meson at the CEPC, European Physical Journal C, 2022, 82, 246.

6.    Xu-Chang Zheng*, Chao-Hsi Chang*, Xing-Gang Wu*, Xu-Dong Huang, Guang-Yu Wang, Inclusive production of heavy quarkonium eta(Q) via Z boson decays within the framework of nonrelativistic QCD, Physical Review D, 2021, 104, 054044.

7.    Xu-Chang Zheng*, Xing-Gang Wu, Xu-Dong Huang, NLO fragmentation functions for a quark into a spin-singlet quarkonium: same flavor case, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2021, 07, 014.

8.    Xu-Chang Zheng*, Ze-Yang Zhang, Xing-Gang Wu, Fragmentation functions for a quark into a spin-singlet quarkonium: Different flavor case, Physical Review D, 2021, 103, 074004.

9.    Xu-Chang Zheng, Chao-Hsi Chang* and Tai-Fu Feng, A proposal on complementary determination of the effective electro-weak mixing angles via doubly heavy-flavored hadron production at a super Z-factory, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2020,63,281011.

10.  Xu-Chang Zheng, Chao-Hsi Chang, Xing-Gang Wu*, Jun Zeng and Xu-Dong Huang, Next-to-leading order QCD corrections to the production of B-c and B-c* through W+-boson decays, Physical Review D, 2020, 101,034029.

11.  Xu-Chang Zheng, Chao-Hsi Chang*, Tai-Fu Feng and Xing-Gang Wu, QCD NLO fragmentation functions for c or (b)over-bar quark to B-c or B-c* meson and their application, Physical Review D, 2019, 100,034004.

12.  Xu-Chang Zheng, Chao-Hsi Chang and Xing-Gang Wu*, NLO fragmentation functions of heavy quarks into heavy quarkonia, Physical Review D, 2019, 100,014005.

13.  Xu-Chang Zheng, Chao-Hsi Chang*, Tai-Fu Feng and Zan Pan , NLO QCD corrections to B-c(B-c*) production around the Z pole at an e(+)e(-) collider, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018, 61,031012.

14.  Xu-Chang Zheng, Chao-Hsi Chang* and Zan Pan , Production of doubly heavy-flavored hadrons at e(+)e(-) collidersPhysical Review D, 2016, 96,034019.

15.  Xu-Chang Zheng, Xing-Gang Wu*, Sheng-Quan Wang, Jian-Ming Shen and Qiong-Lian Zhang, Reanalysis of the BFKL Pomeron at the next-to-leading logarithmic accuracy, Journal of High Energy Physics, 2013, 10,117.





