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2012.9 - 2016.6 南开大学 学士 物理学(伯苓班)

2016.9 - 2021.6 北京大学 博士 粒子物理与原子核物理

2021.7 -     bat365官方网站登录 弘深青年教师

2023.9 -     bat365官方网站登录 副研究员                   



原子核是由质子和中子组成的非微扰量子多体系统。从现实核力出发来研究核多体系统的性质,即第一性原理计算,一直是核物理研究的热点和难点。相对论Brueckner-Hartree-Fock (RBHF) 理论是目前相对论第一性原理的主要方法之一,能够自洽地考虑重要的相对论效应和三体力效应,已广泛应用于核结构、核反应和核天体物理研究。本人主要发展了完备Dirac空间的核物质RBHF理论,并将其应用于研究致密物质状态方程、中子星结构与演化、张量力效应、核子-原子核光学势等。



1.      发展了完备Dirac空间的核物质RBHF理论;

2.      澄清了丰中子物质中核子Dirac质量劈裂符号的争议;

3.      基于相对论现实核力,预言了致密中子星物质的性质;

4.      基于相对论现实核力,构建了相对论微观光学势RBOM.



1.      Sibo Wang, Hui Tong, Chencan Wang, Qiang Zhao, Peter Ring, and Jie Meng*, Tensor-force effects on nuclear matter in relativistic ab initio theory, accepted by Science Bulletin.

2.      Pianpian Qin, Sibo Wang*, Hui Tong, Qiang Zhao, Chencan Wang, Z. P. Li, and Peter Ring, Microscopic optical potential from the relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory: Proton-nucleus scattering, accepted by Physical Review C.

3.      Sibo Wang, Hui Tong, Qiang Zhao, Chencan Wang, Peter Ring, and Jie Meng*, Neutron-proton effective mass splitting in neutron-rich matter, Physical Review C 108, L031303 (2023).

4.      Hui Tong, Jing Gao, Chencan Wang, and Sibo Wang*, Properties of 208Pb predicted from the relativistic equation of state in the full Dirac space, Physical Review C 107, 034302 (2023).

5.      Xiaoying Qu, Hui Tong, Chencan Wang, and Sibo Wang*, Neutron matter properties from relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory in the full Dirac space, Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy 66, 242011 (2023).

6.      Sibo Wang, Hui Tong, Qiang Zhao, Chencan Wang, Peter Ring, and Jie Meng*, Asymmetric nuclear matter and neutron star properties in relativistic ab initio theory in the full Dirac space, Physical Review C 106, L021305 (2022).

7.      Sibo Wang, Chencan Wang, and Hui Tong*, Exploring universal characteristics of neutron star matter with relativistic ab initio equations of state, Physical Review C 106, 045804 (2022).

8.      Hui Tong, Chencan Wang, and Sibo Wang*, Nuclear matter and neutron stars from relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory, The Astrophysical Journal 930, 137 (2022).

9.      Sibo Wang, Hui Tong, and Chencan Wang*, Nuclear matter within the continuous choice in the full Dirac space, Physical Review C 105, 054309 (2022).

10.  Sibo Wang, Qiang Zhao, Peter Ring, and Jie Meng*, Nuclear matter in relativistic Brueckner- Hartree-Fock theory with Bonn potential in the full Dirac space, Physical Review C 103, 054319 (2021).

11.  Sibo Wang, Hui Tong, Pengwei Zhao*, and Jie Meng, Strength of tensor forces from neutron drops in ab initio relativistic Brueckner-Hartree-Fock theory, Physical Review C 100, 064319 (2019).


1.  国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,项目批准号:12205030,项目名称:核子-原子核弹性散射的相对论第一性原理研究,资助经费:30.00万元,项目起止年月:202301月至202512



Physical Review CFrontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 审稿人




